You Make it Possible

Please know that your gift goes a long way in helping us support local shelters, crisis centers, and recovery groups to bring hope and healing to survivors of abuse, addiction, human trafficking and so much more.

Or Make Checks Payable: Two Girls and a Bible

PO BOX 150717

Cape Coral , Florida, 33915

You play such an important role as a partner in the Kingdom of God!
— Outreaches Everywhere

When you contribute to Two Girls and a Bible, you invest in the future of so many, and reach the world with the hope and healing found in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you again for your generous support of Two Girls and a Bible, Inc.

Outreach Conferences

Revelations 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the words of their testimony

Your donations are reaching women in recovery groups, shelters, and/or crisis centers through our incentive programs that encourage long-term recovery participation with yearly conferences, monthly visitations, guest speakers, simple study guides, Christ based materials, and books.

70% of our attendees are in a recovery programs, crisis centers or shelters.

The Authorship Program

This program provides insight in the writing and publishing process, training, editing skills, publishing tools, and opportunities to share their stories on our platforms with one heart ‘To propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ through personal experience and “Go and Tell” the stories Jesus is writing on hearts today!

The Visionarium Program

This program nurtures fresh ideas, creates opportunities, and encourages long term success through our entrepreneurship classes, new business development plans, nonprofit training, leadership classes, and Marketplace opportunities.

Making Him An Option in the Marketplaces Everywhere

“Go and Tell”

— Mark 16:15
— Matthew 28:19