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Two Girls and a Bible is so excited to offer a space to this amazing curriculum that was developed during a time in their lives when they were dealing with their own extreme prodigal. At their wits end with no answers in site, they walked with the Holy Spirit and learned how to deal with their struggling souls and experience the healing they so desperately needed.

The Resource is a wonderful tool to strengthen the heart of parents dealing with extremely difficult situations.

The Resource: Seven Biblical Strategems for Parents of Extreme Prodigals

An 8 week course offered by Author, Theresa Johnson and her husband, Robert. Who have been working together providing classes to Parents of Prodigals in churches, bible studies, and their home.

STEP 1: Get the Resource

Start your own Life Group at your home, do it with friends, or by yourself . You can order yours on Amazon today and if you are a kindle prime user its FREE!

Step 2: Join Our Community

We are all in this together! Once the Bible Study is completed join our private group on facebook where we announce local get togethers to encourage one another on this journey.

The Resource Connected

Join Author, Theresa Johnson, on Facebook for

Hope and Encouragement

“Go and Tell”
— — ― Luke 8: 38-39 and Mathew 28:10